Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Moon Wise Musing July

Moon Wise Musing

For July

For Better Timing

in Your Business and Personal life

Astrological forecasts are based on the movement of the planets in the sky and their interaction with your astrology birth-chart. This movement of the planets in the sky is called the transits. I like to say the transits show the astrological weather for a given time period.

July started with the Moon in expansive Sagittarius. I was at the Fremont Market with an enjoyable booth partner Levana who makes clothes and dolls for children and her playful daughter.

Since I didn’t have time to write about our Full Moon last week, I want to tell you about it now.  We had a Full Moon this past Tuesday on July 3rd. The Sun was in Cancer and the Moon was in Capricorn. Tuesday morning the Moon in Capricorn conjuncts Pluto. This focus on Pluto and the Moon brings an emotional depth to the Full Moon. This Full Moon can bring emotional insights and your intuition will be strong also. Look to the houses in your chart where the Sun and Moon fall. This will show the areas of your life where the Full Moon energies are concentrated.

July 5th was the best date for new start and a great day for making money with the Moon in Aquarius and in opposition to Mercury. I was at the First Thursday Pioneer Street Art Walk. I had a great time and even reading “Birth Yourself” a art Galley in Pioneer Square. I also meet many interesting artists including Andrew Buckles from the TK building

If you had an important new start or a fortunate action you want to take, it last weekend, on Saturday July 7th Sunday afternoon on July 8th, we had some great energy for taking fortunate actions with the cycle of Mars trine Jupiter, from when Jupiter peaks on July 17th and stays in range through August 3rd

The Last Quarter Moon with the Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Aries on Tuesday July 10th at 6:48 pm giving us the opportunity to let go of what is not working in our bodies, minds and souls. And this also was influencing Monday but on Wednesday the Moon will enter grounded, sensuous and practical Taurus. It is a great time to get out in nature and breathe the sweet smells of summer.

On July 15th Mercury goes retrograde. This is not the best time for starting new projects. After Saturday July 7th and Sunday July 8th we won't get another good new start day until August 8th, when Mercury turns direct.  We are within about 8 days of Mercury going retrograde, when it appears to move backwards. So this means we need to SLOW DOWN and double-check all details in your written material and especially your important emails.

It is sad to say that Travelers tea house and cafe has closed. I was at the last Puja on Tuesday July 9th. What a beautiful event. Below are a picture and a video

The New Moon takes place in the evening on June 18th at 27 degrees Cancer.  The Sun and Moon square Saturn in Libra.  This creates a serious but most likely, supportive situation, thanks to fact that Saturn is direct and exalted in Libra.  Look for social connection between your family, friends, and Libra-ruled things like partners; romantic or business could be involved. To take advantage of the New Moon, set an intention around defining (Saturn) your approach to security (Cancer) using Libran principles. Things like fairness, reciprocity and good manners.

Also take a look at where the New Moon fall in your chart?  And ask yourself the question how I can see new ways to increase my security by supporting others and also getting my needs meet.

Visit Marcia Moonstar’s metaphysical booth at the

 Seattle Fremont Market

 Sundays from 10 am – 5pm

When you visit me at the Fremont Market and mention my website or blog, you will receive a $5.00 discount on a personal reading of your choice, Astrology, Tarot or Numerology.  I am looking forward to seeing you all at the Fremont Market sometime this spring or summer.

For More information:

Cell (206) 478-2724