Friday, August 17, 2012

Moon Wise Musing August

Moon Wise Musing

For August

When the Moon is new both the Sun and Moon energies are aligned in the same astrological sign.  It’s is a time of beginnings and endings when a powerful portal is opened. New Moons are a great time to set intentions for things you would like to create, develop, and cultivate. It’s a time of planting new seeds; whether seeds of reality or creative imagination, both the moon and the sun support your desires during a new moon. The New Moon is an introspective time where it’s easier to go within to discover the true you; what are your hopes, dreams, passions, and desires. Using new moon rituals such as setting your intentions and meditating on them helps you remove old patterns and create new ones

The Leo New Moon will takes place today August 17th at 8:54 am PDT on the 26 degrees of Leo. The New Moon is a dark time. The New Moon in Leo is invisible to us just now, just below the horizon in the sky, it’s still there, and we feel it even if we can’t see it. It reminds us that we are works in progress, and we are creating, every day, the selves we want to be and the world we want to live in. Even if there is much in the world, and in us that could be better, Leo reassures us that it will be better because we are free at the New Moon to create whatever we want to be and do. It is important to set an intention for the New Moon. To know where to focus your energies for the New Moon in Leo, look to the house where the New Moon falls in your chart. If you do not know this you can always have a New Moon astrology reading by calling 206 478-2724 and schedule an appointment. also on Aug 19th

Visit Marcia Moonstar’s metaphysical booth at the

 Seattle Fremont Market

 Sundays from 10 am – 5pm


Only  In August

When you visit me at the Fremont Market and mention my website or blog, you will receive a $5.00 discount on a personal reading of your choice, Astrology, Tarot or Numerology.  I am looking forward to seeing you all at the Fremont Market sometime this summer.

The planetary alignment in the New Moon chart are supportive with a sextile to Mars conjunct Saturn in Libra, the sign of its exaltation bringing a good time to start new business venture or creative projects I also like that the New Moon opposing Neptune.  This will bring the opportunity for creative inspiration and the faith to follow what our hearts wants as we walk the labyrinth of our lives, knowing we will end up precisely where we’re meant to be even if there are challenges up ahead.
We are still in the difficult Mars conjunct Saturn in late Libra cycle that is associated with frustration when we start new projects. It peaks on August 15 th and stays in range through August 27th. It would be wise to use this time to make a written business plan that is detail oriented with names of people to call, place to be, what time, and what needs to be accomplished every day.

The New Moon is an introspective and spontaneous time to indulge your creative self-expression with this New Moon in Leo and see where it takes you. It is a great time to just go with the flow especially with the hot summer days and nights.

Check out the The Perseid Meteor Shower is an annual event associated with comet Swift-Tuttle
and can produce 100 meteors per hour. meteors appear to emanate from the constellation Perseus. The event is visible from July through August but peaks around Aug 9th to Aug 14th.