Tuesday, June 11, 2013

June Moon-Wise Astrological Guide


Astrological Guide
 for your Business and Personal Life
June 8 2013
New Moon of Gemini
We had a New Moon in friendly and curious in Gemini on Saturday June 8 at 8:56 am PDT and 11:56 am EDT on the 18 degree of Gemini. The Gemini New Moon is about communication and understanding. This is the time for new beginnings, so do take action toward what you want to create or call into your life. New Moons are times to make a new start and it can be helpful to see where the New Moon falls in your own chart since that is the area of life where the New Moon is most likely to have an impact.
The New Moon in Gemini was widely aligned with Jupiter in Gemini, which brings focus to learning and teaching, along with awareness of perception, beliefs, ideas and higher visions. It has been said that we teach what we need to learn.  This is a good month to examine how we form our beliefs, as well as our sources of information. This month may also require us to be more flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances.  The Sabian symbol for this New Moon is, “A large archaic volume reveals a traditional wisdom,” suggests that we all have deeper sources of wisdom that can be tapped into when needed.
The mind is quite active under the Gemini influence, and the business of the other planetary interactions could make it difficult to concentrate or relax. This is especially true because Mercury, Gemini's ruling planet, is in a challenging square to Uranus, the Great Awakener. Conflicts and arguments may arise at this New Moon and a conscious focus that unites the mind with the heart will be helpful. This is a wonderful New Moon for doing vision work since the imagination is quite active and the mind is open to new ideas. We are also being supported by the mutual reception between the Moon in Gemini with Mercury in Cancer.
This will open our minds to being intuitive and feelings to knowing what we need to do next to fulfill our purposes.
In this lunation the Sun and Moon are also in a challenging square to Chiron, the planet of wounding and healing, opening up the doorway to the inner heart so that it can open and communicate with the mind and foster greater body wisdom. The watery Grand Trine is culminating now, creating a flow that will facilitate the opening of the heart if we allow ourselves to be vulnerable and open.
June is highlighted by the retrograde stations of Neptune, Chiron and Mercury. We have two very potent aspect patterns in the sky that feel very opposite to the other. On the one hand we have a dreamy water grand trine between Venus, Saturn and Neptune, and then we have on the other, Mercury’s explosive Uranus square Pluto in a T-square
The ongoing trine aspect between Saturn and Neptune can provide practical expression for our dreams and visions, which is further emphasized by three creative, sensitive water grand trines.  The Sun and Jupiter’s entry into Cancer later in the month brings focus to home, security issues and our emotional/feeling awareness.  
“Gemini is the sign of the Twins and as such it also reflects the opposites of feminine and masculine, female and male, intuition and logic. How do we come into a harmonious relationship with our inner Beloved as well as our outer Beloved?  How do we get our intuition and our logic to work together?  Don’t fall back on behavior that includes accusations, criticism or too much talking that goes nowhere.”
“This New Moon energy wants you to plant new intellectual seeds, seeds that offer you new ways to perceive your world and your relationships.  When you change your limiting thoughts, you change your behavior.  To really change your whole attitude, you need to change the story going on in your unconscious. That’s where Mercury the psycho-pomp can help.  Listen to your dreams now and then work with them to understand their hidden messages.” From the insighful Cathy Pagano from her Wisdom of Astrology:
June astrology highlights :
On June 3, the first water grand trine occurs between Mercury in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces.  This sensitive combination has the potential to bring form and organization for our creative ideas and spiritual ideals. Communication of feelings in relationships can be better received and understood during these few days. 
The combined planetary forces on June 6-8 contain both challenges and opportunities. Neptune turns stationary retrograde on June 7, which increases our sensitivity, but also a tendency towards deception or indecision. This theme is reinforced by difficult aspects between Mars, Saturn and Neptune. The Mercury opposition to Pluto can bring deeper communications, but also disagreements. This same day features the second water grand trine of Venus, Saturn and Neptune, which brings opportunities to create greater emotional rapport, love and harmony. This is not the best day for accomplishment, but rather to focus on being more heart-centered.  

On June 11, a T-square forms between Venus, Uranus and Pluto that could prove to be a challenging time for relationships.  However, on this same day a trine occurs between Saturn and Neptune that can help to restore harmony. This is the second of three trines, with the first occurring last October and the third to occur in mid-July.  This aspect allows us to get in touch with and manifest our highest visions.  Saturn provides the organization and structure, while Neptune brings compassion, along with intuitive awareness and grace.
Chiron in Pisces turns stationary retrograde on June 16.  Old emotional wounds that haven’t healed can emerge now.  Now our wounded healer awareness can allow us to give and receive support from others.  On June 19, the Sun aligns with Jupiter in Gemini, expanding our world of ideas and providing a generous and optimistic feeling.  This carries over to the Summer Solstice on June 20. The Sun now enters Cancer, which shifts our focus to family, home and security concerns.  
 The Sun enters Cancer just after midnight on June 21st at the Summer Solstice and is followed by the Capricorn Full Moon on June 23rd. At the Capricorn Full Moon the Capricorn Moon opposes the Sun in Cancer. Cancer is itself ruled by the Moon, so this Full Moon awakens the lunar instincts and highlights the stress between our need to nurture and care for others and find our tribe (Cancer) and the pressure to make something of ourselves in the world (Capricorn).
 This is a favorable period for reviewing our goals and making practical, realistic adjustments. The full Moon will opposes Jupiter and widely aligns with Pluto, which reminds us to focus and review our original visions and ideals. Are we aiming too high or too low?  The Sabian symbols for these degrees speak to the need to overcome stagnation and a yearning for increasing the scope and depth of one’s contacts with other living beings.

On June 25, Jupiter enters the sign Cancer, where it will travel until July 2014. Jupiter is said to be exalted in Cancer because it is comfortable there. The emotional needs of Cancer are great, and Jupiter can expand to meet those needs. During this period, we can expand our views in the areas of home, family, food and feminine energy. Jupiter was last in Cancer from July 2001 to August 2002.  A statement or project begun back then can be expanded at this time.
Mercury in Cancer turns stationary retrograde on June 26, and travels backward in Cancer until July 20. During this period, we will be reviewing our attunement to feeling awareness in our communications with self and others. Unfinished business with family and security issues can come up now. Also it would be wise to start paying closer attention to things that you say, instructions that you have to read and contracts that must be signed.
On this same day, the third water grand trine occurs with the Sun, Saturn and Neptune, which will facilitate the process of greater attunement to the feminine, heart-centered and highly sensitive energies. 
It seems with this New Moon, on the star of Rigel in Orion, “This star sits on the foot of Orion the hunter, as well as being the last star in the constellation of Eridanus, the river. This is a star that does promise a constant flow of riches and achievements that the waters of the river provide you. It encourages a positive attitude too, especially in spreading knowledge, through one’s actions, examples or ideas, through education and teaching or through the spread of one’s faith for the benefit of others. However, there is a catch. As in the story, there is a chance that you may get over confident of achieving success, and as a result suffer a similar fate as Orion did. The ancient story goes that Orion was charged with killing all of the beasts on earth, however for his brazen and rather arrogant attitude, the goddess of the earth Gaia sent the scorpion to sting Orion which it did on his foot (or heel) poisoning him to death.” http://solarisastrology.blogspot.com/
We can’t really afford to take our eye off where the Moon falls in your chart, being aware of the opportunities and challenges of the Gemini New Moon. This is also an area where you can have great success for the next month, but humility is called for.
It can be helpful to know where the New Moon is in your birth- chart. When you know the house placement of the New Moon in your birth chart for a given month, you will know the area of life that is best for you to focus on for your personal growth and success for that particular New Moon.

To know where your New Moon is in your chart or to understand your transits, progressions and solar returns for 2013 you can receive a 50 % off a Full astrology reading by mentioning the Moon-Wise Blog. Also check out my website for more information: www.marcymoonstar.com or phone 206 478-2724

 Visit Marcia Moonstar’s metaphysical booth at the


 Seattle Fremont Market


 Sundays from 10 am – 5pm

When you visit me at the Fremont Market and mention my website or blog, you will receive a $5.00 discount on a personal reading of your choice, Astrology, Tarot or Numerology.  I am looking forward to seeing you all at the Fremont Market sometime this spring or summer.

For More information:

Cell (206) 478-2724