Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Oct MoonWise Guide

October Guide
 for your business and personal life
Let’s Fall Up

We make it through the Libra New Moon on Oct. 4th at 12 degrees, with the challenging T-Square pattern. All New Moons ask us to shadow dance with the Moon Goddess Luna, helping us focus on those images and beliefs that block us from moving forward in our life. A New Moon asks for introspection. In the dark of the moon we can find answers when we show up with intention. Libra is about balance, harmony and partnering. In order to partner we must own our boundaries and know our self-worth.

 Here is an excerpt of Jeff Jawers New Moon and Full Moon report from Stariq website  They explain astrology very well.  I decided to take a break and just enjoy the movies at the Seattle Gay and Lesbian film Festival. I am also starting a new line of greeting cards with my photographs and poems. It is interesting that the New Moon in Libra falls in my second house of resources.  I just bought a new printer and have a new partner at Celebrate Yourself greeting cards and books. Check out my greeting cards and books on my website

 “The New Moon in gracious Libra is usually a peaceful event that's excellent for getting relationships on track. This lunation, though, is rocked and rolled by tense aspects with rebellious Uranus, provocative Pluto and excessive Jupiter that can push emotions to extremes. We want both freedom and commitment in a volatile environment of mood shifts, contrasts and surprising circumstances. Still, this Sun-Moon conjunction can spur breakthroughs and discoveries that shatter the limits of how we interact with others. Excitement could be restored to current alliances and motivate us to make new connections unbound by old social rules. Experiment, explore and stay flexible to tap into the power of these transformational transits.

The independent Aries Moon's opposition to the Sun in co-dependent Libra is a Lunar Eclipse that sheds light on relationships. We may be pulled between the desire to share life with a partner and the urge to go it alone. Putting these issues on the table can create crises yet will bring clarity to those able to see the value of both sides. There are situations when the liberty to act on our own is perfect and others when compromising with people is necessary. Romantics seeking perfect love and singles who want to avoid any entanglements might be disappointed by this revelation, but learning to adapt to changing situations makes it possible to find fulfillment either way.”

Mars opposite Neptune
Saturday, October 19

This contrasting aspect with pointed Mars in sharp Virgo and diffuse Neptune in fuzzy Pisces makes it hard to concentrate force and sustain an effort. Self-sacrifice, passive-aggressive behavior and wasting energy are ineffective expressions of this aspect. Compassion, imagination and idealism are positive manifestations, as are the spiritual and artistic endeavors favored by this inspired transit. Yet even if you're motivated by kindness, being tender with yourself is as important as showing sensitivity toward others to avoid exhaustion.

Mercury Retrograde
Monday, October 21

The messenger planet's reversal in profound Scorpio turns minds inward to expose secrets and reveal hidden motivations. Yes, messages are often muddled during the three-week reversal period that starts today and ends on November 10. Data could be lost while technology and travel problems may emerge. Nevertheless, this is an opportunity to review recent decisions and take corrective action if necessary. Double-check details and verify critical bits of information to reduce the likelihood of errors.”

 It can be helpful to know where the New Moon is in your birth- chart. When you know the house placement of the New Moon in your birth chart for a given month, you will know the area of life that is best for you to focus on for your personal growth and success for that particular New Moon.

To know where your New Moon is in your chart or to understand your transits, progressions and solar returns for 2013 you can receive a 50 % off an astrology reading by mentioning the Moon-Wise Blog. Also check out my website for more information: or phone 206 478-272