Tuesday, September 10, 2013

September Moon-Wise Astrological Guide


Astrological Guide
 for your Business and Personal Life

September 2013

This week there was a New Moon on September 5 at 4:36 AM PDT. The exact conjunction of the Sun and Moon means the Moon is not visible. Most ancient cultures celebrated the New Moon when the tiny crescent Moon was first visible in the evening sky. This will most likely occur tomorrow night depending on your time zone and horizon line.

This month’s New Moon falls at 14 degrees of Virgo (Sun and Moon). While everyone experiences the energies of the New Moon, if you have planets or your Ascendant/Descendant or Nadir/Midheaven) around this degree in Virgo or the other mutable signs—Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces, the New Moon in Virgo may influence you more intensely.

The best use of the New Moon in Virgo is to developing new practical skills and healthy habits that can lead you into a successful harvest of your skills and talents in the fall months to come. Philosophical and expansive Jupiter's sextile to the Sun and Moon adds a sense of purpose to our daily tasks and infuses new projects with meaning and perspective that allow us to stay the course when the going gets tough and to eventually achieve our goals. The transformative Pluto's in Capricorn is in a supportive trine to this lunation helping us to discover hidden talents and untapped energy that can also make us more efficient and productive this month.

 In addition, this New Moon has an unusual aspect, Saturn conjunct the North Node in Scorpio. Saturn represents our responsibilities and limitations. The North Node represents our future destiny or our path of greatest growth. Essentially this combination wants us to let go of old patterns that interfere with our soul's mission. This energy reminds us that we have bigger responsibilities than just our jobs, families, homes and so forth. We have spiritual responsibilities too. This alignment will be going on for the next few weeks, but exact on September 8 & 9.

 The energy of the first two weeks of September will be intense with the traditional malefic planets Mars moving into a square with Saturn during the first week of September. The astrological square between Mars and Saturn can be positive if we focus our energies on restructure the masculine principle as it relates to fulfilling our purpose. This can be done as we re-aligning our personal goals with the Divine Will for the purpose of bringing love and light into the troubled world we live in. There's also energy for needed breakthroughs with Mars trine Uranus so you can take new, innovative actions that will bring you growth. So writing your plans now with Mars square Saturn will turn the green light from the Universe up high to give you the energy to manifest your plans and goals for your future.

 On September 19 the Pisces Full Moon at 27 degree of Pisces at 4:13 am illuminating and intensifying our feeling, intuitions and creative abilities. Our culture tends to teach us that we must always be happy, but that just isn’t how life works. We are meant to feel all our feelings and to allow them to have expression. The healing experience comes when we have compassion for what we are feeling and allow ourselves to feel it. When we have compassion, love ourselves unconditionally, and allow ourselves to feel the pain or grief we are feeling, we are creating space for the universe to reflect more love back to us.

In this Full Moon time Mercury at 17 degrees of Libra is squaring Jupiter 17 Cancer  at 7:20 pm. The deeper message of Mercury in Libra is reflected through our relationships first to ourselves and then to others. Mercury is activating Jupiter and the Grand Water Trine. This is a time when it might be helpful to risk being open and vulnerable. It takes great courage to be vulnerable and yet it can produce surprising results that allow for a deep profound healing bringing everyone, even strangers, closer together.

 September 22, Sunday Happy Equinox as the Sun moves into Libra today at 1:44 pm. The Equinoxes are the seasonal time of balance and harmony when the days and nights are equal in length. During the Equinoxes, the Earth’s auric or magnetic field is affected by the Sun’s alignment with the Earth’s equator.

 September 29, Sunday Mercury moves into Scorpio at 4:38 am beginning a long journey in this sign due to Mercury’s station retrograde on October 21 at 19 Scorpio. Mercury travels through Scorpio for just a little over two months until December 4 when it enters Sagittarius.
This is a time of harvest and gratitude. The lesson this month is to be open to your greater good now, and be willing to let go of the left over energies from the grand trine in water. Even though the astrological energies will be very intense this month, if you take the time to smell the flowers you will be able to find peace within your heart. Let there be peace in the world and let it begin with me.

 It can be helpful to know where the New Moon is in your birth- chart. When you know the house placement of the New Moon in your birth chart for a given month, you will know the area of life that is best for you to focus on for your personal growth and success for that particular New Moon.
To know where your New Moon is in your chart or to understand your transits, progressions and solar returns for 2013 you can receive a 50 % off an astrology reading by mentioning the Moon-Wise Blog. Also check out my website for more information: www.marcymoonstar.com or phone 206 478-272

Visit Marcia Moonstar’s metaphysical booth

 Seattle Fremont Market


 Sundays from 10 am – 5pm

When you visit me at the Fremont Market and mention my website or blog, you will receive a $5.00 discount on a personal reading of your choice, Astrology, Tarot or Numerology.  I am looking forward to seeing you all at the Fremont Market sometime this summer or Fall