Sunday, November 17, 2013

The November Moon-Wise Astrology Guide


Astrological Guide
 for your Business and Personal Life.

Time for Gratitude and Forgiveness

The Astrological Sky for November
       The New Moon that occurred on November 3 at 11 degrees of Scorpio was also a rare Hybrid Total Solar Eclipse. In ancient times eclipses, especially solar eclipses have caused wonderment and also a certain amount of fear in people who observed them as the light was blacked out by the Moon passing between the Earth and the Sun. In modern society eclipses are now seen as trigger points for change, transformation and possible challenges in our lives depending on the house and aspects in our charts for about 6 months to a year or until the next new solar occurs.
        Solar and lunar eclipses always occur together about two weeks apart, one at the Full Moon and one at the New Moon. There are New and Full Moons each month, but they are not eclipses unless the two lights are in close proximity with the Moon’s nodes. Eclipses are extra potent new or full moons that can signify intense new beginnings or endings and are often labeled as undesirable because they sometimes appear to provoke a crisis, but they are really a gift from the cosmos, showing where a more healthy state of affairs will evolve.

       This Solar Eclipse was quite powerful. It occurring in the midst of a peak period in the Uranus/Pluto square and  Saturn is also connected to this eclipse as is the Mercury/North Node conjunction. This combination can take us on a deeper journey with the themes of emotional intensity, power and control, penetration, secrecy, fears, endings, death, healing and self-mastery. The Scorpio emphasis will also help us in gaining deeper understanding and the core essence or truth of a matter. While Solar Eclipses usher in beginnings, they also often usually bring with them endings. That’s because in order for something to firmly root so that it can flourish, space needs to be made. They can also bring life-changing events or reflections occur around the time of an eclipse. It is best to be open to unexpected change as new energies will be thrust into our lives, especially in the houses that the transiting Pluto square Uranus were in and the Scorpio house on your chart where the eclipse lands could be one where you have to learn some difficult and possibly challenging lessons. Also on Nov 21-22 when Mercury passes over the degree of the Nov 3 Solar in 11-12 degrees of Scorpio there will be the opportunity to activate new energies and a higher perspective in your life. So pay attention.  I found this information on this newsletter :
       The astrological sky for November continues with Mercury in retrograde, meaning it appears to be moving backwards, from October 21th through November 11th. Another key time to watch is around the 12th-26th of November when Mercury hits the shadow point of this retrograde. Basically, the shadow point is when a planet comes to the same place in the sky it was when it stationed retrograde, in this case 18 degrees Scorpio, until Nov 27 when the retrograde cycle will be completely over and we can breathe a breath of fresh air into our new project/ideas and be able to easily communications with our friends and family during the holidays.

       Mercury retrogrades have challenges related to delays, miscommunications, and computer or car breakdowns,. During Mercury retrograde is NOT the time to sign contracts. Mercury retrograde is a time to rethink our needs, catch-up or finish things, not a time to move forward with new projects. It is important to use this time to study, tend to old business, improve communications skills, and update equipment.  Keep plans flexible so they can adapt after the cycle is complete.

       Every astrological event has a purpose and is by design able to help us in some way. We just need to attune to the energies present with awareness as to what it is about. Here are some things to do while Mercury is retrograde: Rethink your plans Reconsider your options Reconnect with someone from your past Regroup at a core level Revisit past ideas Recommit to your New Year’s resolutions Revamp your mission statement Rewrite your resume or bio Redo your budget Reinvent yourself in some way Have you be “re-ing” in some way? Please feel free to share! In Light, ~Elizabeth - See more at:

       Here is what Jeff Jawer wrote in his Stariq New Moon Report at the end that is right on the make about the New Moon in Scorpio. “Addition by subtraction is a common theme of the New Moon in Scorpio, and is even more evident this time around. The Solar Eclipse and presence of restrictive Saturn reflect possible burdens that darken our lives with onerous obligations and self-doubt. Yet stripping expectations down to the core will reveal where we are wasting time and energy, freeing us to create more satisfying lives.
       On Sunday, November 17, 7:16 am PST, 10:16 am EST there will be a Full Moon with the Moon in Taurus and the Sun in Scorpio at 26 degrees of Taurus showing us there are many roads to the fulfillment of our dreams and visions. The shadow side of both Taurus and Scorpio is a resistance to change and being too willful. This is a favorable time for persistence with our goals, making them more concrete and useful. Nature provides without asking for anything in return and relationships are more rewarding when accepting and enjoying what we have is greater than our fear of loss. The Sabian symbol keynotes for these degrees emphasize having appreciation for the goodness in our lives, as well as the ability to adjust to new situations by tuning into their requirements. Simple joys are the best remedies for complicated emotions.

       I am looking forward to Thursday, November 21, 7:49 pm PST, 10:49 pm EST, when the Sun moves into Sagittarius and I can channel the intense energies of Scorpio into the expansive and adventures energies of Sagittarius in my fourth house with a trip to my home state of California.

       I just thought about the over-doing tendencies of Sagittarius and I wish everyone( including myself )  a safe, health and happy holiday season  Let’s all balance this sign's positive energies
with some attention to details, healthy foods and some time out for exercise and quite time can increases the chances of achieving our highest good.

       I will be in Seattle until Dec 5th and then off to Los Angeles for some Sun and a change to read my poetry in Venice Ca.  I will be doing reading until Dec 3 in Seattle. Check out my website for more information about readings or just call and we can discuss a consultation. 206 478-2724

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Oct MoonWise Guide

October Guide
 for your business and personal life
Let’s Fall Up

We make it through the Libra New Moon on Oct. 4th at 12 degrees, with the challenging T-Square pattern. All New Moons ask us to shadow dance with the Moon Goddess Luna, helping us focus on those images and beliefs that block us from moving forward in our life. A New Moon asks for introspection. In the dark of the moon we can find answers when we show up with intention. Libra is about balance, harmony and partnering. In order to partner we must own our boundaries and know our self-worth.

 Here is an excerpt of Jeff Jawers New Moon and Full Moon report from Stariq website  They explain astrology very well.  I decided to take a break and just enjoy the movies at the Seattle Gay and Lesbian film Festival. I am also starting a new line of greeting cards with my photographs and poems. It is interesting that the New Moon in Libra falls in my second house of resources.  I just bought a new printer and have a new partner at Celebrate Yourself greeting cards and books. Check out my greeting cards and books on my website

 “The New Moon in gracious Libra is usually a peaceful event that's excellent for getting relationships on track. This lunation, though, is rocked and rolled by tense aspects with rebellious Uranus, provocative Pluto and excessive Jupiter that can push emotions to extremes. We want both freedom and commitment in a volatile environment of mood shifts, contrasts and surprising circumstances. Still, this Sun-Moon conjunction can spur breakthroughs and discoveries that shatter the limits of how we interact with others. Excitement could be restored to current alliances and motivate us to make new connections unbound by old social rules. Experiment, explore and stay flexible to tap into the power of these transformational transits.

The independent Aries Moon's opposition to the Sun in co-dependent Libra is a Lunar Eclipse that sheds light on relationships. We may be pulled between the desire to share life with a partner and the urge to go it alone. Putting these issues on the table can create crises yet will bring clarity to those able to see the value of both sides. There are situations when the liberty to act on our own is perfect and others when compromising with people is necessary. Romantics seeking perfect love and singles who want to avoid any entanglements might be disappointed by this revelation, but learning to adapt to changing situations makes it possible to find fulfillment either way.”

Mars opposite Neptune
Saturday, October 19

This contrasting aspect with pointed Mars in sharp Virgo and diffuse Neptune in fuzzy Pisces makes it hard to concentrate force and sustain an effort. Self-sacrifice, passive-aggressive behavior and wasting energy are ineffective expressions of this aspect. Compassion, imagination and idealism are positive manifestations, as are the spiritual and artistic endeavors favored by this inspired transit. Yet even if you're motivated by kindness, being tender with yourself is as important as showing sensitivity toward others to avoid exhaustion.

Mercury Retrograde
Monday, October 21

The messenger planet's reversal in profound Scorpio turns minds inward to expose secrets and reveal hidden motivations. Yes, messages are often muddled during the three-week reversal period that starts today and ends on November 10. Data could be lost while technology and travel problems may emerge. Nevertheless, this is an opportunity to review recent decisions and take corrective action if necessary. Double-check details and verify critical bits of information to reduce the likelihood of errors.”

 It can be helpful to know where the New Moon is in your birth- chart. When you know the house placement of the New Moon in your birth chart for a given month, you will know the area of life that is best for you to focus on for your personal growth and success for that particular New Moon.

To know where your New Moon is in your chart or to understand your transits, progressions and solar returns for 2013 you can receive a 50 % off an astrology reading by mentioning the Moon-Wise Blog. Also check out my website for more information: or phone 206 478-272

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

September Moon-Wise Astrological Guide


Astrological Guide
 for your Business and Personal Life

September 2013

This week there was a New Moon on September 5 at 4:36 AM PDT. The exact conjunction of the Sun and Moon means the Moon is not visible. Most ancient cultures celebrated the New Moon when the tiny crescent Moon was first visible in the evening sky. This will most likely occur tomorrow night depending on your time zone and horizon line.

This month’s New Moon falls at 14 degrees of Virgo (Sun and Moon). While everyone experiences the energies of the New Moon, if you have planets or your Ascendant/Descendant or Nadir/Midheaven) around this degree in Virgo or the other mutable signs—Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces, the New Moon in Virgo may influence you more intensely.

The best use of the New Moon in Virgo is to developing new practical skills and healthy habits that can lead you into a successful harvest of your skills and talents in the fall months to come. Philosophical and expansive Jupiter's sextile to the Sun and Moon adds a sense of purpose to our daily tasks and infuses new projects with meaning and perspective that allow us to stay the course when the going gets tough and to eventually achieve our goals. The transformative Pluto's in Capricorn is in a supportive trine to this lunation helping us to discover hidden talents and untapped energy that can also make us more efficient and productive this month.

 In addition, this New Moon has an unusual aspect, Saturn conjunct the North Node in Scorpio. Saturn represents our responsibilities and limitations. The North Node represents our future destiny or our path of greatest growth. Essentially this combination wants us to let go of old patterns that interfere with our soul's mission. This energy reminds us that we have bigger responsibilities than just our jobs, families, homes and so forth. We have spiritual responsibilities too. This alignment will be going on for the next few weeks, but exact on September 8 & 9.

 The energy of the first two weeks of September will be intense with the traditional malefic planets Mars moving into a square with Saturn during the first week of September. The astrological square between Mars and Saturn can be positive if we focus our energies on restructure the masculine principle as it relates to fulfilling our purpose. This can be done as we re-aligning our personal goals with the Divine Will for the purpose of bringing love and light into the troubled world we live in. There's also energy for needed breakthroughs with Mars trine Uranus so you can take new, innovative actions that will bring you growth. So writing your plans now with Mars square Saturn will turn the green light from the Universe up high to give you the energy to manifest your plans and goals for your future.

 On September 19 the Pisces Full Moon at 27 degree of Pisces at 4:13 am illuminating and intensifying our feeling, intuitions and creative abilities. Our culture tends to teach us that we must always be happy, but that just isn’t how life works. We are meant to feel all our feelings and to allow them to have expression. The healing experience comes when we have compassion for what we are feeling and allow ourselves to feel it. When we have compassion, love ourselves unconditionally, and allow ourselves to feel the pain or grief we are feeling, we are creating space for the universe to reflect more love back to us.

In this Full Moon time Mercury at 17 degrees of Libra is squaring Jupiter 17 Cancer  at 7:20 pm. The deeper message of Mercury in Libra is reflected through our relationships first to ourselves and then to others. Mercury is activating Jupiter and the Grand Water Trine. This is a time when it might be helpful to risk being open and vulnerable. It takes great courage to be vulnerable and yet it can produce surprising results that allow for a deep profound healing bringing everyone, even strangers, closer together.

 September 22, Sunday Happy Equinox as the Sun moves into Libra today at 1:44 pm. The Equinoxes are the seasonal time of balance and harmony when the days and nights are equal in length. During the Equinoxes, the Earth’s auric or magnetic field is affected by the Sun’s alignment with the Earth’s equator.

 September 29, Sunday Mercury moves into Scorpio at 4:38 am beginning a long journey in this sign due to Mercury’s station retrograde on October 21 at 19 Scorpio. Mercury travels through Scorpio for just a little over two months until December 4 when it enters Sagittarius.
This is a time of harvest and gratitude. The lesson this month is to be open to your greater good now, and be willing to let go of the left over energies from the grand trine in water. Even though the astrological energies will be very intense this month, if you take the time to smell the flowers you will be able to find peace within your heart. Let there be peace in the world and let it begin with me.

 It can be helpful to know where the New Moon is in your birth- chart. When you know the house placement of the New Moon in your birth chart for a given month, you will know the area of life that is best for you to focus on for your personal growth and success for that particular New Moon.
To know where your New Moon is in your chart or to understand your transits, progressions and solar returns for 2013 you can receive a 50 % off an astrology reading by mentioning the Moon-Wise Blog. Also check out my website for more information: or phone 206 478-272

Visit Marcia Moonstar’s metaphysical booth

 Seattle Fremont Market

 Sundays from 10 am – 5pm

When you visit me at the Fremont Market and mention my website or blog, you will receive a $5.00 discount on a personal reading of your choice, Astrology, Tarot or Numerology.  I am looking forward to seeing you all at the Fremont Market sometime this summer or Fall

Thursday, August 8, 2013

August Moon-Wise Astrological Guide

Astrological Guide
 for your Business and Personal Life
August 2013

What started at the New Moon on August 6th at 15 degrees of Leo are new and unusual solutions that can solve some long-standing challenges in your life with the Sun and Moon trine Uranus in the New Moon chart. The Sun and Moon trine Uranus brings us the opportunities to discovery and opens our Higher Mind to insight and new awareness. The people who may give us support will be a teacher, healer, physician, or a musician.

New Moons are times of new beginnings – an opportunity to wipe the slate clean and begin anew each month.  This New Moon squares the lunar nodes, which is a bit like an eclipse. In an eclipse the Sun and Moon conjoin the nodes, and a square is a more powerful aspect which intensifies the sense of fate. The nodes of the Moon guide us from the past to the future, so this New Moon has the potential to be a great ally in confronting something from the past so that we can move more freely towards our ultimate destiny. It is important to slow down and give yourself time to let go of our old habit patterns and fears that came up during the Sun in Cancer cycle and embrace the transformative change that the Universe is creating with the New Moon in Leo, signifying an opportunity to begin anew in the celebration of the creative playful Divine Child and let the light of souls shine through your personality in all its splendor.

 The Leo New Moon also coincides with the exact opposition from Jupiter to Pluto. We are being stretched to our utmost now to balance our ideals with expansive Jupiter and letting go of anything that does not aid in our ultimate transformation with regenerative Pluto.

Mercury leaves the sign of Cancer and enters Leo on the 8th and for a few weeks our mental processes turn from the feeling realm of Cancer to the more Self-oriented and exuberant sign of Leo. Mercury is active over the next few days, starting on the 8th forming a square to Saturn which is a good time for working out problems or tackling a business issue but can also be somewhat heavy and have a proclivity towards negative thinking with ridge thinking and being judgmental for a day or two.

 This cycle of Mercury square Saturn peaks on August 11th just as another cycle associated with new, even radical, ideas comes into range with Mercury trine Uranus. These energies can trap you in narrow-minded thinking, considering only a limited number of solutions, none of which may really solve an important issue. If you stay trapped in these limited thoughts instead of opening up to completely new possibilities, you’re likely to find your goals thwarted. Pay attention to when you feel mentally frustrated or limited. Then consciously choose to open up to new ideas.

Venus leaves solid Virgo for Libra on the 16th, enhancing our desire for beauty in our surroundings and adding a bit of good luck. Relationships are more important with Venus in Libra and it is generally easier to find ways to find balance and harmony. 
It can be helpful to know where the New Moon is in your birth- chart. When you know the house placement of the New Moon in your birth chart for a given month, you will know the area of life that is best for you to focus on for your personal growth and success for that particular New Moon.

To know where your New Moon is in your chart or to understand your transits, progressions and solar returns for 2013 you can receive a 50 % off an astrology reading by mentioning the Moon-Wise Blog.

 Visit Marcia Moonstar’s metaphysical booth

 Seattle Fremont Market

 Sundays from 10 am – 5pm

When you visit me at the Fremont Market and mention my website or blog, you will receive a $5.00 discount on a personal reading of your choice, Astrology, Tarot or Numerology.  I am looking forward to seeing you all at the Fremont Market sometime this spring or summer.







Tuesday, July 16, 2013

July Moon-Wise Astrological Guide

Astrological Guide
 for your Business and Personal Life

July 2013

Summer is a very busy time for me with having a booth at the Fremont Market doing astrology and tarot reading. My astrology motto Time Is Everything worked out very well choosing to start my booth on June 9th with the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and the Moon in my 10th house of career and Venus and Mercury in Cancer in my 11th house of friends. In the months of June and July with the Sun And Moon in my 10 house and 11 house above the horizon in my chart in the houses connected to the career June and in July with the New Moon in the house of friends and social organizations. I tend to out and about socializing and networking. I hope to be on time for the next New Moon which will be in my 12 house. There will be more on the houses with the New and Full Moon in your chart.

Nurturing and healing were foremost in the July 8 New Moon chart with the Sun and Moon in a Cancer stellium, wedged between Jupiter and Mercury, in the 4th house on the west coast. In Rex Bills Rulership Book it says that the Moon is in charge of cleaning and Cancer is the natural tenant of the fourth house I live in the Northwest and I have been cleaning up a storm, not to mention I am a Virgo. Also since Mercury still retrograde why not, extend that clearing to mental and emotional patterns and habits that are not working for you. This past New Moon  also was opposite Pluto and squared by Uranus suggesting that there is an urge for to leave the past behind and surrender any part of our identity that no longer serves us.

New Moons are times of new beginnings – an opportunity to wipe the slate clean and begin anew each month.  This New Moon offers a chance to sweep away old insecurities and fears and embrace the transformative change that the Universe is creating at each moment under these intense planetary cycles. The New Moon was at the apex of a Kite formation that included a harmonious watery Grand Trine with the expansive force of Jupiter, the discipline of Saturn and the inspiration of Neptune helping to offset and support the pressure of the Uranus square Pluto

The gentleness of the Grand Trine can help us to rest and rejuvenate as we prepare for the next phase of the cycle.  This period can be best utilized through meditation, yoga, creative projects, art, music – any kind of structured expression of the spiritual and creative life.

 It can be helpful to know where the New Moon is in your birth- chart. When you know the house placement of the New Moon in your birth chart for a given month, you will know the area of life that is best for you to focus on for your personal growth and success for that particular New Moon.

To know where your New Moon is in your chart or to understand your transits, progressions and solar returns for 2013 you can receive a 50 % off an astrology reading by mentioning the Moon-Wise Blog. Also check out my website for more information: or phone 206 478-2724

Three planets become direct this month (Saturn, Uranus, and Mercury). This represents a change in direction as the energies move out into life and they make things in your life move forward. Saturn ended its long retrograde cycle on July 7th and the projects that were stuck on hold, or parts of your life that were moving like walking through mud, get a chance to start moving again. Mercury continues to be retrograde in Cancer until July 20th, so we can look at how our feeling blend and affect our tendency for emotional thinking which can be difficult if we dwell on past emotional hurts from others or our fears of what could happen in our futures.

Mars entered Cancer July 13, 2013 shows us that we will direct our energies in a sensitive and nurturing way or tempers can fly high with anger outbursts because  Mars is the planet of aggression and drive it is not very comfortable in the emotional sign of Cancer. If we find ourselves feeling agitated or angry for apparently no reason, or if we find that others around us are expressing that anger for us, there is an emotional component within us that is demanding that we pay attention to our feeling natures.

While Mars is in Cancer, especially over the next two weeks (through the first week in August), it will be setting off the Uranus/Pluto square But first Mars aligns with Jupiter, expanding (Jupiter) the aggressive force (Mars) and adding confidence and self-righteousness (Jupiter) to our already touchy expression of needs and anger (Mars). This dynamic will peak on the 21st (and the Moon will be involved on that day too), so over the next week it will be important to get enough physical activity so that the energy of Mars, which is expanded now by Jupiter and without an easy outlet in Cancer, can be channeled productively.

On July 22, Monday, the Sun enters Leo at 8:56 am PDT and 11:56 am EDT followed by the Full Moon follows at 1 degree of Aquarius at 11:16 am PDT and 2:16 pm EDT. Here is Stariq’s interpretation that I like about the Sun entering Leo and the Full Moon. or more information

The Sun's entry into Leo represents a return to the heart. It's a time to tune into individual will and purpose to release the creative powers of the Sun's fiery home sign. Arrogance, insensitivity and excessive pride are negative traits associated with this transit, but such selfish behavior signals a lack of self-esteem. When we are truly connected with the animating spirit inside, we have the capacity to listen and respond to others as well as the ability to define ourselves. Love is the element that allows us to shine with the fullness of our potential without losing contact with the needs of those around us.

Full Moon in Aquarius : The opposition of the Moon in group-oriented Aquarius to the Sun in individualistic Leo is often a time of celebration. Even if there is some conflict between personal desires and collective interests, both signs are friendly. Yet this Full Moon may be more serious with stern Saturn in Scorpio making right angle squares to both lights. The ringed planet's position challenges us to measure what we get for our investments of love and friendship. Complications about what and how much to give can be resolved when we take a deeper look at our relationships. Clarifying our expectations of others makes negotiations with them more honest and successful.

On Monday July 29 there is a rare configuration in the heavens: a Grand Sextile. It consists of 6 planets sextile each other around the zodiac. It is also known as a Star of David, Star Tetrahedron or a Grand Hexagram. This Grand Sextile is composed of a Grand Trine in earth and a Grand Trine in water separated by sextiles , coming together with the Taurus Last Quarter Moon. The Last Quarter Moon is a threshold point where we return to this reality with a whole new consciousness.  The Star Tetrahedron is a potent sacred geometry symbol opening a celestial portal between Heaven and Earth – further awakening this sacred geometry in our DNA. This is a critical time to engage ceremonially with intent to expand our awareness to embrace the greatest possibility of experiencing the magic of who we are.  It is important to take advantage of this truly magical configuration.

 Visit Marcia Moonstar’s metaphysical booth

 Seattle Fremont Market

 Sundays from 10 am – 5pm

When you visit me at the Fremont Market and mention my website or blog, you will receive a $5.00 discount on a personal reading of your choice, Astrology, Tarot or Numerology.  I am looking forward to seeing you all at the Fremont Market sometime this spring or summer.




Tuesday, June 11, 2013

June Moon-Wise Astrological Guide


Astrological Guide
 for your Business and Personal Life
June 8 2013
New Moon of Gemini
We had a New Moon in friendly and curious in Gemini on Saturday June 8 at 8:56 am PDT and 11:56 am EDT on the 18 degree of Gemini. The Gemini New Moon is about communication and understanding. This is the time for new beginnings, so do take action toward what you want to create or call into your life. New Moons are times to make a new start and it can be helpful to see where the New Moon falls in your own chart since that is the area of life where the New Moon is most likely to have an impact.
The New Moon in Gemini was widely aligned with Jupiter in Gemini, which brings focus to learning and teaching, along with awareness of perception, beliefs, ideas and higher visions. It has been said that we teach what we need to learn.  This is a good month to examine how we form our beliefs, as well as our sources of information. This month may also require us to be more flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances.  The Sabian symbol for this New Moon is, “A large archaic volume reveals a traditional wisdom,” suggests that we all have deeper sources of wisdom that can be tapped into when needed.
The mind is quite active under the Gemini influence, and the business of the other planetary interactions could make it difficult to concentrate or relax. This is especially true because Mercury, Gemini's ruling planet, is in a challenging square to Uranus, the Great Awakener. Conflicts and arguments may arise at this New Moon and a conscious focus that unites the mind with the heart will be helpful. This is a wonderful New Moon for doing vision work since the imagination is quite active and the mind is open to new ideas. We are also being supported by the mutual reception between the Moon in Gemini with Mercury in Cancer.
This will open our minds to being intuitive and feelings to knowing what we need to do next to fulfill our purposes.
In this lunation the Sun and Moon are also in a challenging square to Chiron, the planet of wounding and healing, opening up the doorway to the inner heart so that it can open and communicate with the mind and foster greater body wisdom. The watery Grand Trine is culminating now, creating a flow that will facilitate the opening of the heart if we allow ourselves to be vulnerable and open.
June is highlighted by the retrograde stations of Neptune, Chiron and Mercury. We have two very potent aspect patterns in the sky that feel very opposite to the other. On the one hand we have a dreamy water grand trine between Venus, Saturn and Neptune, and then we have on the other, Mercury’s explosive Uranus square Pluto in a T-square
The ongoing trine aspect between Saturn and Neptune can provide practical expression for our dreams and visions, which is further emphasized by three creative, sensitive water grand trines.  The Sun and Jupiter’s entry into Cancer later in the month brings focus to home, security issues and our emotional/feeling awareness.  
“Gemini is the sign of the Twins and as such it also reflects the opposites of feminine and masculine, female and male, intuition and logic. How do we come into a harmonious relationship with our inner Beloved as well as our outer Beloved?  How do we get our intuition and our logic to work together?  Don’t fall back on behavior that includes accusations, criticism or too much talking that goes nowhere.”
“This New Moon energy wants you to plant new intellectual seeds, seeds that offer you new ways to perceive your world and your relationships.  When you change your limiting thoughts, you change your behavior.  To really change your whole attitude, you need to change the story going on in your unconscious. That’s where Mercury the psycho-pomp can help.  Listen to your dreams now and then work with them to understand their hidden messages.” From the insighful Cathy Pagano from her Wisdom of Astrology:
June astrology highlights :
On June 3, the first water grand trine occurs between Mercury in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces.  This sensitive combination has the potential to bring form and organization for our creative ideas and spiritual ideals. Communication of feelings in relationships can be better received and understood during these few days. 
The combined planetary forces on June 6-8 contain both challenges and opportunities. Neptune turns stationary retrograde on June 7, which increases our sensitivity, but also a tendency towards deception or indecision. This theme is reinforced by difficult aspects between Mars, Saturn and Neptune. The Mercury opposition to Pluto can bring deeper communications, but also disagreements. This same day features the second water grand trine of Venus, Saturn and Neptune, which brings opportunities to create greater emotional rapport, love and harmony. This is not the best day for accomplishment, but rather to focus on being more heart-centered.  

On June 11, a T-square forms between Venus, Uranus and Pluto that could prove to be a challenging time for relationships.  However, on this same day a trine occurs between Saturn and Neptune that can help to restore harmony. This is the second of three trines, with the first occurring last October and the third to occur in mid-July.  This aspect allows us to get in touch with and manifest our highest visions.  Saturn provides the organization and structure, while Neptune brings compassion, along with intuitive awareness and grace.
Chiron in Pisces turns stationary retrograde on June 16.  Old emotional wounds that haven’t healed can emerge now.  Now our wounded healer awareness can allow us to give and receive support from others.  On June 19, the Sun aligns with Jupiter in Gemini, expanding our world of ideas and providing a generous and optimistic feeling.  This carries over to the Summer Solstice on June 20. The Sun now enters Cancer, which shifts our focus to family, home and security concerns.  
 The Sun enters Cancer just after midnight on June 21st at the Summer Solstice and is followed by the Capricorn Full Moon on June 23rd. At the Capricorn Full Moon the Capricorn Moon opposes the Sun in Cancer. Cancer is itself ruled by the Moon, so this Full Moon awakens the lunar instincts and highlights the stress between our need to nurture and care for others and find our tribe (Cancer) and the pressure to make something of ourselves in the world (Capricorn).
 This is a favorable period for reviewing our goals and making practical, realistic adjustments. The full Moon will opposes Jupiter and widely aligns with Pluto, which reminds us to focus and review our original visions and ideals. Are we aiming too high or too low?  The Sabian symbols for these degrees speak to the need to overcome stagnation and a yearning for increasing the scope and depth of one’s contacts with other living beings.

On June 25, Jupiter enters the sign Cancer, where it will travel until July 2014. Jupiter is said to be exalted in Cancer because it is comfortable there. The emotional needs of Cancer are great, and Jupiter can expand to meet those needs. During this period, we can expand our views in the areas of home, family, food and feminine energy. Jupiter was last in Cancer from July 2001 to August 2002.  A statement or project begun back then can be expanded at this time.
Mercury in Cancer turns stationary retrograde on June 26, and travels backward in Cancer until July 20. During this period, we will be reviewing our attunement to feeling awareness in our communications with self and others. Unfinished business with family and security issues can come up now. Also it would be wise to start paying closer attention to things that you say, instructions that you have to read and contracts that must be signed.
On this same day, the third water grand trine occurs with the Sun, Saturn and Neptune, which will facilitate the process of greater attunement to the feminine, heart-centered and highly sensitive energies. 
It seems with this New Moon, on the star of Rigel in Orion, “This star sits on the foot of Orion the hunter, as well as being the last star in the constellation of Eridanus, the river. This is a star that does promise a constant flow of riches and achievements that the waters of the river provide you. It encourages a positive attitude too, especially in spreading knowledge, through one’s actions, examples or ideas, through education and teaching or through the spread of one’s faith for the benefit of others. However, there is a catch. As in the story, there is a chance that you may get over confident of achieving success, and as a result suffer a similar fate as Orion did. The ancient story goes that Orion was charged with killing all of the beasts on earth, however for his brazen and rather arrogant attitude, the goddess of the earth Gaia sent the scorpion to sting Orion which it did on his foot (or heel) poisoning him to death.”
We can’t really afford to take our eye off where the Moon falls in your chart, being aware of the opportunities and challenges of the Gemini New Moon. This is also an area where you can have great success for the next month, but humility is called for.
It can be helpful to know where the New Moon is in your birth- chart. When you know the house placement of the New Moon in your birth chart for a given month, you will know the area of life that is best for you to focus on for your personal growth and success for that particular New Moon.

To know where your New Moon is in your chart or to understand your transits, progressions and solar returns for 2013 you can receive a 50 % off a Full astrology reading by mentioning the Moon-Wise Blog. Also check out my website for more information: or phone 206 478-2724

 Visit Marcia Moonstar’s metaphysical booth at the


 Seattle Fremont Market

 Sundays from 10 am – 5pm

When you visit me at the Fremont Market and mention my website or blog, you will receive a $5.00 discount on a personal reading of your choice, Astrology, Tarot or Numerology.  I am looking forward to seeing you all at the Fremont Market sometime this spring or summer.

For More information:

Cell (206) 478-2724





Thursday, May 9, 2013

May Moon-Wise Astrological Guide

Astrological Guide
 for your Business and Personal Life
May 2013
New Moon of Taurus

In May the planetary energies will again be very intense with a solar eclipse in Taurus and a lunar eclipse in Sagittarius, will give us the opportunities for major new beginnings and also letting go of  relationships, jobs and psychological patterns that are just not working in our lives.

During the first week of May, we are in the last phase of the April Scorpio Lunar eclipse, with a theme of healing and releasing old patterns.  It is best to focus on resolution and completion until May 9. Decisions made between eclipses can have unexpected results, while matters begun surrounding an eclipse can assume greater importance.

From May 5-7, Mercury and Mars in Taurus will form a harmonious trine to Pluto in Capricorn, which increases our focus and ability to take a deeper approach in our communications and actions.  It is a good time to take positive actions leading to greater empowerment and commitment.
On May 9, the New Moon Solar Eclipse occurs at 20 degrees of  Taurus . It is aligned with Mercury, Mars, and the South Node. This annular eclipse (a ring of fire around the Sun) can only be seen in the South Pacific. Since this eclipse degree is opposite to last November’s eclipse, events coming up now may be related to that time period in your life
Eclipses mark times of cosmic redirection and energy shifts.   Something that we've been working on, learning about or struggling with comes to an end at a lunar eclipse.   Something we've imagined and dreamed about begins to manifest at a solar eclipse.  Mercury and Mars are in Taurus very close to the Solar Eclipse combining intellect and action to energies communications. As this is a South Node eclipse, the focus is on releasing the old patterns and beliefs that can lead to new beginning in your life.

With Mercury conjunct Mars aligned with the eclipse, we should watch for sharp words. All eclipses tend to stimulate a desire to act impulsively, and with Mercury-Mars involved, this can mean speaking too soon or too abruptly

This Taurus solar eclipse marks a new beginning, an especially fertile new beginning as it takes place in the astrological sign of manifestation.   Taurus the Bull is the energy of building and brings new possibilities for grounded and solid manifest of the new projects that were conceived when the Sun was in Aries. Taurus themes also include personal resources/finances, values, matters of ownership, feelings of worthiness, desire for safety and security, resistance to change, comfort, and sensuality, will be a strong focus on a personal level and  effects can be felt up to six months after the actual date of the eclipse.

“Occurring in Taurus, this eclipse is about strengthening our sense of security. It is a time for re-evaluating our relationship with money and possessions and discovering what it is that truly makes us happy and fulfilled. It's a time for considering new ways of increasing our income or earning power. We should be concentrating on what it is we can do to increase our own feelings of self-worth.  We are asked to get in touch with what it is that we truly value and want in our lives, and to part with those things or situations that are not contributing to our feelings of worthiness.” (1)
This includes identifying those things that give us a false sense of security.” If you want more information about  eclipse check out the link below for cafĂ© astrology

The Sabian symbol of the Sun and Moon at 20 degrees of Taurus is: Wisps of wing-like clouds streaming across the sky.   This symbol implies that when we take a new step in our spiritual evolution, tune into the spiritual forces that are at work in our lives and look for signs that may reveal the meaning of what is come next in your life. The “wing-like cloud” may symbolize the presence of celestial being like angles or devas blessing and revealing the direction to take to fulfill the winds of your destiny.

In the Astromark Spring Newsletter Mark Dodich writes about the esoteric astrology of the Solar Eclipse in Taurus.
“The main thing to know about this solar eclipse is that Taurus wants to manifest its needs and desires, yet the eclipse asks you to look at where your needs and desires are now. In esoteric astrology, it is associated with the Fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict.
The Fourth Ray is where you get thrown off your center and then have to come back in a higher balance under a higher set of values. If you are holding onto old or lower values and desires, then this eclipse helps you to take them to a new level.”

Mark Dodich also writes in his Weekly forecast :The Solar Eclipse on May 9 is about getting clear on your values and desires, and your willingness to put constructive effort into long term gain. Check out Marks website for interesting astrological insights.

Not everyone will feel the effect of the eclipse with the same intensity. Those whose personal planets are activated by the degree of the eclipse will most feel its effects on a personal level.

This New Moon occurs at 20 degrees of Taurus, will tend to affect people more who are born with personal planets at 15 to 25 degrees of the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius)

 It can be helpful to know where the New Moon is in your birth- chart. When you know the house placement of the New Moon in your birth chart for a given month, you will know the area of life that is best for you to focus on for your personal growth and success for that particular New Moon.

To know where your New Moon is in your chart or to understand your transits, progressions and solar returns for 2013 you can receive a 50 % off an astrology reading by mentioning the Moon-Wise Blog. Also check out my website for more information: or phone 206 478-2724

Visit Marcia Moonstar’s metaphysical booth at the

 Seattle Fremont Market

 Sundays from 10 am – 5pm

When you visit me at the Fremont Market and mention my website or blog, you will receive a $5.00 discount on a personal reading of your choice, Astrology, Tarot or Numerology.  I am looking forward to seeing you all at the Fremont Market sometime this spring or summer.

For More information:

Cell (206) 478-2724

Friday, April 12, 2013

April Moon-Wise Astrological Guide

Astrological Guide
 for your Business and Personal Life
April 2013
New Moon of Aries

Welcoming Spring

"April showers bring May flowers"

By the time this New Moon in Aries has arrived we would have already passed the Spring Equinox but spring season came a little later for many as did the spring projects. If you have not begun your projects, this new moon will give the energy to do so, including the force needed to do things differently with Uranus Aries, the planet of change and transformation.
The chart for the New Moon on April at 2:35 am PDT and 5:35 am EDT on the 21 degrees of Aries is filled with drama, creativity and passion, with the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, and Uranus all close together in Aries.
This powerful and fiery New Moon speaks of the balance, inspiration, insight and faith necessary for new beginnings to produce successful results. That’s why we need to balance the concerted effort of Mars and the patience of Venus. Then we can just sit back and enjoy our moments of creation as it unfolds all around us.
This New Moon encourages us to take note of all that is arising in our hearts and minds, because each thought and feeling, every impulse, intuition and moment of insight is a sign-post on our path, indicating the choices we need to make, the roads and options available to us.
This New Moon also gives us the opportunity to put new things into action. The energy is powerful enough to give the incentive and creative energies that one needs to manifest the dreams and visions you had with the Sun was in Pisces. It is a time for manifestation, planting seeds, taking chances, and making strategies.
With this very powerful New Moon in Aries forethought needs to be considered to avoid overdoing the individualistic and hot blooded behaviors of Aries. I found this chant and the information for the New Moon in Aries on the internet. I hope this will be helpful information.

It can be healing to recite a mantra every morning until the next moon cycle. Remember that when saying the mantras, the desired result is dependent upon the clarity of your intention and therefore the more you understanding what your goal are the better the outcome of your daily mantra chanting will be. The mantra can be hard to pronounce for many but it is a powerful source of energy. The mantra for Aries moon is: “

Om Suryaya Namaha”
 (Om sur-va-ya Na-ma-ha)

This mantra is the dispeller of oblivion and unawareness. The intention of this mantra is to keep one in balance; from loosing our temper through darkness and unfocused energy. It can also be helpful to write 10 aspirations for the New Moon and recite them every night until the next moon cycle.

Affirmations for the energy of the New Moon in Aries:

I use my self-assertion to create the circumstances I want in my life.

I launch my inventiveness and projects with joy and trust in their outcome

The New Moon in Aries gives us the opportunity to put new things into action, start new projects, new relationships and even new businesses or jobs. It is important to be balanced and patient during this powerful time with the change from the “we energies” of the universal signs;   Sagittarius, Capricorn and Pisces to the “me energies” of the personal signs; Aries, Taurus and Gemini. It is a time for manifestation, planting seeds, making strategies and trusting that your intentions for the astrological New Year will produce successful results

It can be helpful to know where the New Moon is in your birth- chart. When you know the house placement of the New Moon in your birth chart for a given month, you will know the area of life that is best for you to focus on for your personal growth and success for that particular New Moon.
To know where your New Moon is in your chart or to understand your transits, progressions and solar returns for 2013 you can receive a 50 % off an astrology reading by mentioning the Moon-Wise Blog. Also check out my website for more information: or phone 206 478-2724