Tuesday, July 16, 2013

July Moon-Wise Astrological Guide

Astrological Guide
 for your Business and Personal Life

July 2013

Summer is a very busy time for me with having a booth at the Fremont Market doing astrology and tarot reading. My astrology motto Time Is Everything worked out very well choosing to start my booth on June 9th with the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and the Moon in my 10th house of career and Venus and Mercury in Cancer in my 11th house of friends. In the months of June and July with the Sun And Moon in my 10 house and 11 house above the horizon in my chart in the houses connected to the career June and in July with the New Moon in the house of friends and social organizations. I tend to out and about socializing and networking. I hope to be on time for the next New Moon which will be in my 12 house. There will be more on the houses with the New and Full Moon in your chart.

Nurturing and healing were foremost in the July 8 New Moon chart with the Sun and Moon in a Cancer stellium, wedged between Jupiter and Mercury, in the 4th house on the west coast. In Rex Bills Rulership Book it says that the Moon is in charge of cleaning and Cancer is the natural tenant of the fourth house I live in the Northwest and I have been cleaning up a storm, not to mention I am a Virgo. Also since Mercury still retrograde why not, extend that clearing to mental and emotional patterns and habits that are not working for you. This past New Moon  also was opposite Pluto and squared by Uranus suggesting that there is an urge for to leave the past behind and surrender any part of our identity that no longer serves us.

New Moons are times of new beginnings – an opportunity to wipe the slate clean and begin anew each month.  This New Moon offers a chance to sweep away old insecurities and fears and embrace the transformative change that the Universe is creating at each moment under these intense planetary cycles. The New Moon was at the apex of a Kite formation that included a harmonious watery Grand Trine with the expansive force of Jupiter, the discipline of Saturn and the inspiration of Neptune helping to offset and support the pressure of the Uranus square Pluto

The gentleness of the Grand Trine can help us to rest and rejuvenate as we prepare for the next phase of the cycle.  This period can be best utilized through meditation, yoga, creative projects, art, music – any kind of structured expression of the spiritual and creative life.

 It can be helpful to know where the New Moon is in your birth- chart. When you know the house placement of the New Moon in your birth chart for a given month, you will know the area of life that is best for you to focus on for your personal growth and success for that particular New Moon.

To know where your New Moon is in your chart or to understand your transits, progressions and solar returns for 2013 you can receive a 50 % off an astrology reading by mentioning the Moon-Wise Blog. Also check out my website for more information: www.marcymoonstar.com or phone 206 478-2724

Three planets become direct this month (Saturn, Uranus, and Mercury). This represents a change in direction as the energies move out into life and they make things in your life move forward. Saturn ended its long retrograde cycle on July 7th and the projects that were stuck on hold, or parts of your life that were moving like walking through mud, get a chance to start moving again. Mercury continues to be retrograde in Cancer until July 20th, so we can look at how our feeling blend and affect our tendency for emotional thinking which can be difficult if we dwell on past emotional hurts from others or our fears of what could happen in our futures.

Mars entered Cancer July 13, 2013 shows us that we will direct our energies in a sensitive and nurturing way or tempers can fly high with anger outbursts because  Mars is the planet of aggression and drive it is not very comfortable in the emotional sign of Cancer. If we find ourselves feeling agitated or angry for apparently no reason, or if we find that others around us are expressing that anger for us, there is an emotional component within us that is demanding that we pay attention to our feeling natures.

While Mars is in Cancer, especially over the next two weeks (through the first week in August), it will be setting off the Uranus/Pluto square But first Mars aligns with Jupiter, expanding (Jupiter) the aggressive force (Mars) and adding confidence and self-righteousness (Jupiter) to our already touchy expression of needs and anger (Mars). This dynamic will peak on the 21st (and the Moon will be involved on that day too), so over the next week it will be important to get enough physical activity so that the energy of Mars, which is expanded now by Jupiter and without an easy outlet in Cancer, can be channeled productively.

On July 22, Monday, the Sun enters Leo at 8:56 am PDT and 11:56 am EDT followed by the Full Moon follows at 1 degree of Aquarius at 11:16 am PDT and 2:16 pm EDT. Here is Stariq’s interpretation that I like about the Sun entering Leo and the Full Moon. http://www.stariq.com/ or more information http://darkstarastrology.com

The Sun's entry into Leo represents a return to the heart. It's a time to tune into individual will and purpose to release the creative powers of the Sun's fiery home sign. Arrogance, insensitivity and excessive pride are negative traits associated with this transit, but such selfish behavior signals a lack of self-esteem. When we are truly connected with the animating spirit inside, we have the capacity to listen and respond to others as well as the ability to define ourselves. Love is the element that allows us to shine with the fullness of our potential without losing contact with the needs of those around us.

Full Moon in Aquarius : The opposition of the Moon in group-oriented Aquarius to the Sun in individualistic Leo is often a time of celebration. Even if there is some conflict between personal desires and collective interests, both signs are friendly. Yet this Full Moon may be more serious with stern Saturn in Scorpio making right angle squares to both lights. The ringed planet's position challenges us to measure what we get for our investments of love and friendship. Complications about what and how much to give can be resolved when we take a deeper look at our relationships. Clarifying our expectations of others makes negotiations with them more honest and successful.

On Monday July 29 there is a rare configuration in the heavens: a Grand Sextile. It consists of 6 planets sextile each other around the zodiac. It is also known as a Star of David, Star Tetrahedron or a Grand Hexagram. This Grand Sextile is composed of a Grand Trine in earth and a Grand Trine in water separated by sextiles , coming together with the Taurus Last Quarter Moon. The Last Quarter Moon is a threshold point where we return to this reality with a whole new consciousness.  The Star Tetrahedron is a potent sacred geometry symbol opening a celestial portal between Heaven and Earth – further awakening this sacred geometry in our DNA. This is a critical time to engage ceremonially with intent to expand our awareness to embrace the greatest possibility of experiencing the magic of who we are.  It is important to take advantage of this truly magical configuration.

 Visit Marcia Moonstar’s metaphysical booth

 Seattle Fremont Market

 Sundays from 10 am – 5pm

When you visit me at the Fremont Market and mention my website or blog, you will receive a $5.00 discount on a personal reading of your choice, Astrology, Tarot or Numerology.  I am looking forward to seeing you all at the Fremont Market sometime this spring or summer.