Friday, April 12, 2013

April Moon-Wise Astrological Guide

Astrological Guide
 for your Business and Personal Life
April 2013
New Moon of Aries

Welcoming Spring

"April showers bring May flowers"

By the time this New Moon in Aries has arrived we would have already passed the Spring Equinox but spring season came a little later for many as did the spring projects. If you have not begun your projects, this new moon will give the energy to do so, including the force needed to do things differently with Uranus Aries, the planet of change and transformation.
The chart for the New Moon on April at 2:35 am PDT and 5:35 am EDT on the 21 degrees of Aries is filled with drama, creativity and passion, with the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, and Uranus all close together in Aries.
This powerful and fiery New Moon speaks of the balance, inspiration, insight and faith necessary for new beginnings to produce successful results. That’s why we need to balance the concerted effort of Mars and the patience of Venus. Then we can just sit back and enjoy our moments of creation as it unfolds all around us.
This New Moon encourages us to take note of all that is arising in our hearts and minds, because each thought and feeling, every impulse, intuition and moment of insight is a sign-post on our path, indicating the choices we need to make, the roads and options available to us.
This New Moon also gives us the opportunity to put new things into action. The energy is powerful enough to give the incentive and creative energies that one needs to manifest the dreams and visions you had with the Sun was in Pisces. It is a time for manifestation, planting seeds, taking chances, and making strategies.
With this very powerful New Moon in Aries forethought needs to be considered to avoid overdoing the individualistic and hot blooded behaviors of Aries. I found this chant and the information for the New Moon in Aries on the internet. I hope this will be helpful information.

It can be healing to recite a mantra every morning until the next moon cycle. Remember that when saying the mantras, the desired result is dependent upon the clarity of your intention and therefore the more you understanding what your goal are the better the outcome of your daily mantra chanting will be. The mantra can be hard to pronounce for many but it is a powerful source of energy. The mantra for Aries moon is: “

Om Suryaya Namaha”
 (Om sur-va-ya Na-ma-ha)

This mantra is the dispeller of oblivion and unawareness. The intention of this mantra is to keep one in balance; from loosing our temper through darkness and unfocused energy. It can also be helpful to write 10 aspirations for the New Moon and recite them every night until the next moon cycle.

Affirmations for the energy of the New Moon in Aries:

I use my self-assertion to create the circumstances I want in my life.

I launch my inventiveness and projects with joy and trust in their outcome

The New Moon in Aries gives us the opportunity to put new things into action, start new projects, new relationships and even new businesses or jobs. It is important to be balanced and patient during this powerful time with the change from the “we energies” of the universal signs;   Sagittarius, Capricorn and Pisces to the “me energies” of the personal signs; Aries, Taurus and Gemini. It is a time for manifestation, planting seeds, making strategies and trusting that your intentions for the astrological New Year will produce successful results

It can be helpful to know where the New Moon is in your birth- chart. When you know the house placement of the New Moon in your birth chart for a given month, you will know the area of life that is best for you to focus on for your personal growth and success for that particular New Moon.
To know where your New Moon is in your chart or to understand your transits, progressions and solar returns for 2013 you can receive a 50 % off an astrology reading by mentioning the Moon-Wise Blog. Also check out my website for more information: or phone 206 478-2724